Lobster 4 Ways

Every year on my birthday, I go to my favorite restaurant in town – Company of the Cauldron. It is a little restaurant with two seatings each night and a set menu. (Which is my favorite part because I never have to try a decide what I want to eat…the food just comes!) And I have never once in all my years of going had a bad meal there…or even a mediocre meal. The meals are always to die for.

A few years ago, they started a tradition to serve Lobster 4 different ways every Monday. I would always look at the menu for Lobster 4 Ways and couldn’t wait until July 1st was a Monday. The last time my birthday was on a Monday was 7 years ago and it was only until this year that my birthday fell on a Monday again and I could finally try Lobster 4 Ways! Needless to say, I was so excited.




First Way: Lobster Bisque with sweet sherry and fresh thyme


Second Way: Romaine salad with a Lobster Cake and buttermilk dressing


Third and Fourth Way: Steamed and Grilled Lobster tail and claw with two sauces (ginger mustard and tarragon butter), warm potato salad, and grilled summer squash


Dessert: Warm Cinnamon Brioche Donut with Tahitian Vanilla Ice Cream


Then, Chef All brought out a little something extra with a candle on top!


Blackberry Cheesecake with POP ROCKS…what a brilliant idea for a birthday cake!


Oh and Lobster shaped lollipops to go!


And as always, it was another to die for meal.


  1. This is the epitome of summer!! Happy birthday, sweet Caroline!

  2. auntie joanie :

    Typical, can’t I wish!!!!! Happy birthday.xxoo

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