Road Trip

Every year, twice a year, we make the 24-hour drive up to Nantucket from Georgia in two days. And out of the thousands of times we have made this trip, this time was the first time just my mom and I made the trip together! We were pretty excited about it!

My dad helped us pack the car up…and he has become a professional at figuring out how to puzzle everything into the car. This time, I don’t even think there was anymore room for a deck of cards!

Road Trip 2


Then, we were on our way!

Road Trip 6

We made a stop a couple hours in at a Starbucks near our family friends. Because a road trip would not be complete without Starbucks! And we decided to make a visit out of it and our friends came to meet us! It was so much fun catching up with them and it helped spice up the long drive!

Road Trip 11

Road Trip-Starbucks

There was also a Chickfila right across the street from the Starbucks, so I picked up my last chicken biscuit that I’ll eat for probably about a year! I’ll miss those lots.

Road Trip 4

Then, we stopped at a mall for lunch…and since my dad wasn’t tagging along in the car, we got to fit in a little bit of shopping!

But, then we had to get down to business and finish day one of the drive.

We stopped in Maryland. And the next morning we jumped back in the car and made a straight shot for our ferry! The second day is always more exciting because we know that by the end of the day we will be on Nantucket.

On the second day, we saw a bunch of old-fashioned cars!

Road Trip-Car 2

Road Trip-Car 1

And after many hours, we finally made it to Nantucket!


Our first stop…before even going home…was Lola Burger! It serves the best burgers I have ever had. And last year, they closed for the season. But, they are back in action and I couldn’t be more excited!

Road Trip 5

We are so happy to finally be on Nantucket. My favorite place in the world.


  1. Louise Plagman :

    Glad you guys had a fun, safe trip. Have a great summer!!! Of course, we’ll miss you.

    Don’t forget SYTYCD! The Memphis tryouts last night were outstanding!!

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