Snowshoeing in Switzerland

These past few days since I have arrived in Switzerland have been bittersweet. I was really missing my family and not quite ready to leave them for so long again. And also, I was not ready for the mounds of schoolwork that await me. However, with the bitter part aside, we have been participating in many activities during this semester’s orientation that have reminded me just how beautiful this country is. I truly love it to bits and pieces.

One activity in particular was snowshoeing! When I got on the plane to come back to Switzerland, I began to feel a bit sick and haven’t quite recovered yet. So, when the 6:30am wake-up call came this morning to be ready, get breakfast, and meet in the lobby by 7:30 was quite a struggle. When my alarm went off, I was seriously considering ignoring it and just going back to sleep. I was exhausted and Hannah felt the same way since she just got in last night. But, we both rallied each other out of bed and told ourselves that if we go, we probably won’t regret it. But, if we stay, there is probably a higher chance that we will regret it. So, we went! And guess what? We didn’t regret it one bit! Sure, it was painfully early in the morning. But, all the snow and those gigantic green trees we were wandering through made it totally worth the while.







^^Sometimes, we needed help getting down the steep downhill parts.


^^Other times, we just went for it on our bums…


^^…and tummies!


 ^^We made it!

But, now we are ready for a nap!

P.S. I am totally aware that I pretty much look like a boy with my baggy snow pants, beanie, and short hair. (Like this newly famous TedTalk boy in particular…Logan LaPlante) Let’s just all try to ignore that. Okay? Okay. Good, I’m glad we agree!


  1. First of all you never could look like a boy, no matter what you wore. It looks fabulous and I’m glad I’m back in Switzerland :) taking this adventure with you. What a fabulous time & picture perfect area. Feel better soon doll. xo

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