Same Page Monday

I had fun with Same Page Monday last week!  Did everyone have a better week because we were all on the same page?  Good.  Now, lets get started….

1.  How are we supposed to compete with Caroline’s blog posts?  Her pictures are gorgeous and her adventures are surreal.

Caroline, what are you doing this weekend?  Oh my train is leaving for Milan in a few hours, and last weekend I hiked the Alps and ate freshly baked baguettes and drank deliciously, devine hot chocolate!

What did you do this weekend, Allison?  Oh you know, slept in, watched some Netflix, sat in horrible traffic on Wilshire on my way to work out, hung out with friends, went to a movie, ate food, was forced to watch the Packers/Bengals game instead of the Patriots because I live on the west coast (Boo, Fox!)… Do you really want pictures of all that?

Here’s me sleeping…


 Views from my couch…


watching football

Oh and there was this leaf bug that road all the way from Beverly Hills to Downtown LA with me….

Leaf Bug

No joke.  Leafbug was staring right at me when I took that picture on the left.  He was totally freaking me out.  He sat right there on my side mirror.  He couldn’t handle speeds above 40 mph (he was holding on for dear life), so I took surface roads the whole way because I didn’t want to watch him die on the highway.  And then when I got to the parking garage, I HAD TO ROLL DOWN MY WINDOW TO GET THE PARKING TICKET!!!  I would have DIED if he flew in my window.  Luckily for you all, he didn’t.  I lived to write about it on Same Page Monday.

It was a very exciting weekend.

2.  My new favorite song is Royals by Lorde.

3.  Patriots are 3 – 0.

4.  I have a meeting with United Talent Agency today.  (AHH!)

5.  Follow up: I made it on Patty’s Instagram!  Patty and Ivy love me!!!  #followpattyott


Hope you all have a fantastic week!! XOXO

Same Page Monday

I just want to make sure we are all on the same page at the beginning of this new week.

1.  Miley stopped following her fiancé, Liam, on Twitter this weekend.  It sent the media into a frenzy.  It has now been confirmed that the two have called off their engagement and parted ways… as per… who got confirmation from their reps.  Sounds legit.

I wonder which straw in particular broke this camel’s back?


I’m not going to be mean.  Hope they find happiness.

Photo Credit: Twitter

2. Caroline hiked 14 miles this weekend in the Alps!  14 miles.  The whole family is very proud of her.  One thing you might not know about Caroline is that she doesn’t like to break a sweat or get hot. I wonder if she did on this hike or if Switzerland is cold enough for her to work out and not sweat.  Get back to us on that one, Cezzie.


3.  Patty’s last three Instagrams were all of Ivy.  Ivy is proving to be the new favorite in the family, and I am not sure how I feel about that…

Patty Instagram

I am not even in the last 6.  What do I need to do to get some love??

What if I got my Mom some more Instagram followers!??! Maybe she will post about me?



DO IT!  She is so cute.  She comes up with some awesome hashtags. #coolmom

4.  I should be fired from Milly&Grace Girls because I didn’t take any pictures on my trip to San Francisco this past weekend.  MAJOR BLOGGER FAIL.  (I was just there for meetings.  Nothing touristy.)

5.  It’s September 16, 2013.

Ok, perfect.  We are all on the same page.  Now go and have a wonderful week.  XO

Note: Same Page Monday…. I was trying to get it to be like Throwback Thursday or Tuesdays with Tim but I couldn’t come up with anything more creative.