Same Page Monday

Where do the days go?!? I can’t believe it’s almost APRIL?? Milly & Grace opens in a little over a month?!? Caroline is almost done with her junior year?! WHAT????

I have been running around like a crazy person! What day is it???? Oh yeah, it’s Monday…

Let’s get on the same page!

1. My sisters sent me this… and I was like…. umm…. why are you sending me this?

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2. Caroline has been so busy with classes and school work!  But as I mentioned before, she’s also been working for one of the biggest wedding planners in LA… Mindy Weiss!!  Caroline ABSOLUTELY loves it!! Get ready, Nantucket!  You are going to have a kickass… Sorry, Patty…. a kick butt…. wedding planner ready to plan your dream weddings!


Work selfie!  Note: Her lipstick matches her “pop of color” necklace.  That day, she was manning the front desk, so naturally, I pranked called her… Just to make sure she was on her game.  I pretended I was Oprah. #bestsisterever

3.  Emily has been busy getting ready to open the store!!  Luckily, she has the cutest little helper ever.  Ivy Girl!  Ivy has been helping out at the store, supervising the new floors, trying on all the clothes… Emily even has her steaming all the new clothes and writing emails… Ivy is really good at spell checking.



4.  I have been crazy busy working on all of our projects for Lineage Entertainment Group!  We are developing TV shows, features, a documentary that we are shooting this summer, a non profit acting class,  a new poetry night AND MORE!!!  Everything that I set out to do when I moved here, is happening now!  It is hard to put into words, right now, how I feel about this team/family that I am working with and the projects we are working on.  I am one lucky girl!

5.  Is everyone watching American Crime?!?!?!?  YOU SHOULD BE!!!!  My partner, Richard Cabral, is starring in this new drama from Academy Award Winner, John Ridley.  This show is pushing boundaries!  They set out to create a show that at the heart of it, like at the heart of all of us, we are all human beings and a part of the human race… no matter what skin color, race, religion, gender you are. Love it.

Last week, Lineage Entertainment Group helped to organize a screening with Homeboy Industries and ABC for American Crime.  We screened the first two episodes of the new drama and had a Q & A with the cast, one of the writers, executive producers and the creator, John Ridley.

It was an amazing night.  AND GUESS WHAT!? CAROLINE AND COLIN GOT TO COME TOO!!!!!!






Well that’s it for this Monday!  I have to get back to work!  I hope everyone is well :) XOXO

Academy Awards Best Dressed 2015

We are back with Oscars’ Best Dressed!  Let me set the scene for you… I am sitting here in my sweat pants and Sesame Street “All My Homies Are From the Streets” t-shirt (obviously it’s Allison bc the other two wouldn’t be caught dead in lame, mis matching pajamas) writing to you about the best dressed from last night’s Academy Awards…



Rosamund Pike

Everything about this look is DDG (Drop Dead Gorgeous).  I especially love the combo of the unexpected yet conservative neckline and the sexy maxi slit.  Kelly Osborn always comments that the way a dress fits can make or breaks a look.  This has always stuck with me.  As I started to pay attention to this, it has proven to be totally true.  This look is a perfect example.  The dress fits her perfectly and shows off her waistline.  Well done Rosie… I was a little worried after your last 2 looks. (Globes, SAG)

Scarlett Johansson 
ScarJo.  Wow!  DDG.  I just love how she made a statement and I love the color.   Now, I’m actually shocked this was one of my favorite looks.  The funny thing is that I don’t especially love the dress, the necklace, the hair on their own but the combo is perfection!  Here is another example of great tailoring.
Lupita Nyong’o 
What a show stopper! The detail is so beautiful. The back is so unique.  She looks amazing.
Honorable mention.  GP.  I loved the color, the fit and the one sleeve.  Come on… the flower is pretty



I have a feeling everyone is going to disagree with me.  I probably shouldn’t have told you about my sweatpants and Big Bird t-shirt at 12:30 in the afternoon… Anyways….

Gwyneth Paltrow

I have a soft spot for GP.  She really can do no wrong in my eyes.  She was at the gym bright and early this morning… even after a night at the Oscars!  #Dedicated #Badass.  I told her this morning that she looked absolutely gorgeous last night.  Like Emily said, love the soft pink, the one sleeve, the fit and the flower!

Emma Stone

As I look over my group text from last night, Patty and Caroline did not like Emma’s look.  Well, this girl (me) did.  I loved her hair, hair color, her make up, her lip color, the dress, the color of the dress, the bracelets, the open back, the matching shoes…. loved it!  I thought it was a color combo (dress and lipstick) that hasn’t really been seen on the red carpet!

Naomi Watts

At first, I didn’t even recognize her!  Loved the black and silver.  Loved that she took a risk!  I always love an edgy look!

Honorable Mention: Reese Witherspoon

The reason Reese got my honorable mention was because of her smile!  She was beaming and radiating happiness in this picture!!  Stunningly classic look for the evening.  She also posted a gorgeous picture of her on her Instagram too… Gorge.


Photo Cred: Reese Witherspoon’s Instagram



Reese Witherspoon

This girl can do no wrong. And that is why she is my number one pick. Seriously, I don’t think she has ever worn something that I didn’t love! She always goes with the classic, timeless, and elegant look. And this time was no different. It was exactly that – classic, timeless, and elegant!

Jennifer Lopez

I was totally shocked when I saw that this was the dress that Jennifer Lopez picked. I was expecting her to choose something skin-tight, but this gown made for a beautiful surprise. Elie Saab is the designer of this dress and he is my all-time favorite. So, it’s not all that surprising that one of his dresses ended up in my top choices, even if who is wearing the dress did surprise me. I think it’s exquisite.

Cate Blanchet

I gasped when I saw Cate. She is absolutely stunning and I think the black gown looked absolutely amazing on her. That turquoise necklace made for the perfect statement piece, being a pop of color that starkly contrasts the black gown and brings out her fiercely blue eyes.


Hope you all enjoyed our Best Dressed!!  The girls have been busy!  Emily just got back from her #Tardymoon to Australia, I have been busy with my production company (Lineage Entertainment Group), and Caroline has been busy with school and helping Mindy Weiss with all her amazing weddings and parties!  Until next time!  XOXO

Photo Cred:

Same Page Monday

Well, hello there!  How have you all been?  I must apologize, on behalf of myself and my sisters, for dropping off the face of the world wide web.  Life happened to all three of us!  We got so busy that we had to take an unexpected break… but we missed it so much that we decided to come back!

So, let me get started on filling you in on what’s been happening the last few months…

1.  Patty (Our #1 fan) was not ok with our hiatus from the blog.

2.  I started a production company with this amazing group of guys.  They not only are inspired, creative geniuses, powerhouse actors and brilliant storytellers, but they all have the biggest hearts underneath their tough guy exteriors… It is the start of something special.


3.  I was cast by Terrence Malick in a tiny role in his upcoming movie, Knight of Cups, starring Christian Bale, Natalie Portman and Cate Blanchett.  I play an actress playing Marie Antoinette… The trailer was finally released and I made it into the trailer!!  Now, let’s keep our fingers crossed that my scene with Christian Bale made the final cut!  The movie premieres this February at Berlinale.

Check out the trailer here…

4.  Emily and the Milly & Grace store had an amazing season last year!!  Thank you to every one of our lovely Milly & Grace girls who shop with us every year!  Emily and Patty have already been shopping up a storm for this next season the past two weeks… here they are (with Caroline) in NYC at the shows!


5.  Caroline is back in Malibu and back to school life… back to getting up early for classes…. on the beach!!!!!  Here she is with Hannah at their first surfing class….

Caroline Surfing

None of us feel bad for her and her heavy school work load.  Just kidding… we are so proud of you and your hard work… and your straight A’s :)

6.  We are also SO PROUD of our little sister who just scored an internship with the amazing, celebrity wedding planner, Mindy Weiss!  Our cute little wedding planner in the making….


7.  I’m pet sitting my neighbor’s fish this week.  I’m kinda nervous about it.  I hate fish.  Fish were the only pets I was ever allowed to have growing up.  I would get really excited about getting fish from the pet store!  I would always get a white and an orange goldfish and name them Macaroni and Cheese.  Anyways, those fish never had a long life span in my hands… let’s all say a little prayer for this blue beta fish named, Sushi.


8. Patriots are going to the Super Bowl!!

9. A quote to ponder from MLK in MLK Day – “We must combine the toughness of the serpent with the softness of a dove, a tough mind and a tender heart.”

10.  Happy Same Page Monday!! Talk to you all soon! XOXO