Happy Super Bowl Sunday!

Happy Super Bowl Sunday, Everyone!

Are you ready for some FOOTBALL?!?  And Commercials and Food and Beer and Bruno Mars?!?!

Fun Fact: Did everyone know that Super Bowl Sunday holds the second place spot (behind Thanksgiving) for most food consumed on that day!?  Better wear your stretchy pants.

Another Fun Fact:  Did everyone know that this is the 10 year anniversary of Miss. Jackson…If You’re Nasty’s wardrobe malfunction with JT?

Whoopsy Daisy.

Janet Wardrobe Malfunction

And now to get us in the patriotic mood (and because we have no idea who Renee Flemming is and not sure how we are going to feel about her opera version)…

What is known as the Best Ever Rendition of The National Anthem performed by the amazing Whitney Houston at 1991 Super Bowl…

We love more than anything that she is rocking that baggy track suit.

No offense to past and future national anthem singers but we think they should hologram her and play this every time for the rest of time at every event.

If Brady can’t win it then we really want Peyton to win it!  We think it would be amazing to come back after all his neck problems and win another Super Bowl.  We think he is so funny too and a great sport about everything!  Here are two of our favorite Manning commercials…

We hope it is a great football game!  (Really, Allison hopes it is… because Caroline probably isn’t watching in Switzerland and Emily will probably be Pinteresting the whole time except during half time.)

Janet – Photo Credit: David Phillip/AP

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