Grown Up Check List

I have been 27 for 3 days.  I have been thinking a lot about 27.  I think 27 means that I am a grown up now.  I guess I better start doing grown up things.  Inspired by Emily’s 30 before 30… Here are my Things To Do Now That I Am A Grown Up.

1. Find my signature scent.  I have been wearing my Mom’s signature scent (which I absolutely love) but maybe I should be a grown up and get my own.

signaturescents 2. Be able to watch scary movies and not get freaked out.

3. Send out holiday cards.

4. Drink espresso and read the newspaper with reading glasses.


5. Keep up with correspondences.

6. Do a proper Spring Cleaning a la Martha Stewart.

6. Cook more and have dinner parties.


7. Have hand lotion on my bedside table and put it on before bed. (I see women doing that in the movies all the time! Do grown ups really do that?  Well, I’m going to… I don’t want old lady hands by the time I’m 30.)

8.  Eat more croissants.  (What?  It’s on the list.  I have to do it.)


8. Have fresh flowers in my apartment.


9.  Organize my closet and keep it organized.


10.  And I guess… fall in love and ride off into the sunset and live happily ever after.


That is my check list so far!  If you have any suggestions… let me know.  I am sure I will be adding to it!

Thank you all for the birthday love!  I am looking froward to a wonderful year :)

Cheers to 27!

Photo Credit: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Wedding Wednesday

pinkyellowpurplewedding1We’re celebrating Wedding Wednesday on a Thursday this week because we were too busy celebrating Allie’s birthday yesterday! I came across this bouquet ages ago and it has been on our Pinterest board for a while now. I just rediscovered it this week and really wanted to come up with a wedding vision board inspired by this bouquet cause it is one of my absolute favorites. Here’s what I came up with:







Sources: Floral Arbor/Bride & Bouquet/Groom/Drinks/Bridesmaids Dress (no longer available)/Cake/Seating/Barn Lights/Popsicles

Happy Birthday to our Allie!

Happy Birthday to our Allie Boo!! Today we celebrate YOU!!Allison1

As beautiful as you are on the outside, you are a thousand times more beautiful on the inside.Allison2

By just being your cute self, you brighten our days and always make us smile. You are so thoughtful and are always checking in to make sure everyone is happy. It is one of the things we love most about you.Allison3

You’ve always had a twinkle in your eye and a flair for the dramatic. Keep doing what you are doing out there in LA… You are meant to be there!!!
(Poor Emily looks like a weed compared to you.)Allison3aAllison4

You are the jokester and the teaser and you make us laugh like crazy!!Allison5Allison5a

You are so loyal. The most loyal person we know and we hope you feel like you can count on us the way we count on you time and time again. You never let us down.Allison6

You have such a gentle, sensitive soul and always put other people’s needs before your own. You are the light of this family and you keep us all on track. We need to make sure that you know how thankful we are for

Sweet sister, you are SO loved. We are wishing you the best year ever!! You deserve it more than anyone.Allison8Now go treat yourself to a cupcake! :)