Back in Action!

April has been a busy month for me!  A few projects in the works and family coming to visit.  Caroline is all done with her freshman year of college… say what??  Didn’t I just move her into dorm?  Yes.  Time is FLYING by!!  PLEASE SLOW DOWN, TIME!

Here is my April recap… Frametasitc style.

The Ott Girls in Los Angeles – My Birthday and Workin’ on a new project!

LA Girls

The Tracy Anderson Brentwood Studio Opening Party

Tracy Anderson Brentwood

Caroline’s last few weeks at Pepperdine and Moving out.. no more Sunday Fundays.


More to come!!

Sunday Funday at The Beverly Hills Hotel

“Her recommendations for a campsite were totally unsuitable. There were no outlets. And there was dirt, and bugs, and… and it rains there. So anyway, we’ve found a place that’s much more us: the Beverly Hills Hotel.”

 – Phyllis, Troop Beverly Hills

Caroline and I went to the Beverly Hills Hotel last Sunday for a lovely brunch, as a part of our Quest for the Best Breakfast in Los Angeles. You can check what we had for breakfast out on her blog.  The Beverly Hills Hotel is a legendary spot in the BH.  It has been officially named Beverly Hills first Historic Landmark.  Her nickname: The “Pink Palace”.


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BH front deskedited

BH Step and Repeatedited

^ Workin’ the little step and repeat!

BH sunglassesedited

^ Caroline on the Red Carpet.  Flirtin’ with the camera.  Why didn’t I get that tall model body, Mom??

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^On our way to the pool area!

BH 4 squareedited

^ Bungalows!! Bungalow is such a fun word to say. Say it. See, it’s fun!


I tried to find some good gossip stories about the Beverly Hills Hotel but I couldn’t find any!  I guess, “What happens at the BH Hotel, stays at the BH Hotel”.  If only those Bungalow walls could talk….

What is calling you?

Follow your bliss 2

Find what your purpose is, what makes your heart happy and what your greatest gifts are to give to the world.

If you have time/Please find the time to watch… FINDING JOE.

A documentary on Joseph Campbell’s, A Hero’s Journey, and about finding and following your bliss.



Photo Credit