My Week With a Movie


I had so much fun with My Week with Marilyn that I decided that I should do a series called, “My Week with a Movie”.  I will spend the week diving into a movie and exploring its themes. I thought I should start this series with the movie, “The Pursuit of Happyness.”  There a couple reasons for this choice….

1. It is so touching and inspirational (and I love touching and inspirational).

2. Will Smith and I have the same coach.  Will came and spoke to our studio… so I have a story from this movie and also some Will Wisdom I would like to share.

3.  I am currently in pursuit of my happiness, so I thought it would be appropriate.

So I present to you, THE PURSUIT OF HAPPYNESS!

I want to start my “Week with a Movie” with a little review of the movie, but every time I started to write a review for this movie, I felt like my words didn’t give the movie and the performances the justice it deserves.  So I thought I would show you 4 clips (that speak for themselves) that show Chris Gardner’s Struggle, Opportunity, Pursuit and Happiness.






Photo Credit 1


  1. Such an amazing story. Tears are streaming down my face!

  2. Thank you for reminding me about this movie! It is so inspiring!

  3. Oh my gosh! I had forgotten how much I liked that movie……so, so good!

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