1. I love Netflix Streaming and Apple TV, BUT I usually spend most/all of my time trying to figure out what I am going to watch!! Am I going to start a TV series, watch a documentary, maybe a classic old hollywood movie, why haven’t they added any good movies to the recently added section, why are they suggesting that movie for me???… I guess I’ll just watch this silly ABC Family Christmas movie. (That’s usually what’s going on in my head while I am deciding.)
Last week, I had a very successful week with picking movies, and that is share worthy news… Here are three movies in my “Recently Watched” list that I would definitely suggest watching!
2. I totally bought a box of this La Croix lime flavored sparkling water yesterday because of a few grocery store pics I’ve seen of Jennifer Garner with a box of La Croix in her cart. I needed to taste what Ben and Jen have been sippin’ on. It’s pretty good! You get the feel of drinking a soda (from a can) without all the bad stuff that comes with drinking a soda! (NOTE: While editing this, I had a second one… and I am definitely into them.)
3. I am sure all of you are already obsessed with EOS lip balm. I am so late to this game! I was trying to resist buying it for so long.. probably because Kim Kardashian was posting all these selfies on Instagram of her with her little sphere lip balm. ANYWAYS, I caved. It really is the best lip balm. AND as of yesterday, I am now obsessed with their little hand lotion! Everyone go get it. Your hands are so smooth afterwards, and it isn’t greasy. I usually put hand lotion on while I am driving/at a red light, so non greasy hand lotion is essential because I don’t want to get the steering wheel all lotiony. (Lotiony is a word.) SO, YAY FOR EOS PRODUCTS!
EOS stands for Evolution Of Smooth. It definitely lives up to its name. (I am going to try the shaving cream too. I will let you know how that goes.)
4. I felt like I had so much to tell you this Same Page Monday but I am blanking on everything.
5. Oh, this happened. No comment.
6. Patty got the new IPhone! She had the IPhone 4 and never once did an update. Her Instagram wouldn’t function anymore… so she has been missing out on all the Instagram fun!! Remember my campaign to get her more followers so I could be her favorite daughter?? If you didn’t follow her then, then follow her now that she is back in action.. @pattyott
7. I am out of stuff.
P.S. I am so sad about Paul Walker. I obviously didn’t know him, but everything that I have read directly from the people that knew and loved him, it seems like he was this really amazing and down to earth human being. I am so sad for his daughter and family. And Roger Rodas’s family. I don’t know what I would do if something like that happened to my family. I know this is cheesy but… tell the people you love that you love them. XO
I love you, family!
Photo Credit: Jennifer Garner, Kim K
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