I have been sitting here with my lime La Croix staring at a blank blog post screen for the last hour.
It is almost the end of the year, and this is always the time when I reflect back on the last year and become a little more serious (well only a little more serious). I don’t have anything funny for you guys!! I feel like everything I could update you on is so trivial… Like, I got a haircut last week or post this really funny interview of Paul Rudd and Jason Segal (which they were high the whole time). I mean, you guys don’t care about that right now! It’s almost the holidays and time for being with our loved ones! Anyways, here are a few things I have been thinking about…
1. I keep coming across this “gif” image of Jennifer Lawrence – before and after photoshopping for a magazine cover. It is just so silly. Do we all agree? There was absolutely nothing wrong with the original/natural image of JLaw. Why does this industry feel the need to make these people look unrelateable!?! People like to be able to relate to others. That is actually a better marketing tool than alienating people. Real women want to know that these stars are just like them. Magazines would probably sell more magazines if they kept the authenticity of these amazing women. When will this ever change?
2. Gwyneth Paltrow and Tracy Anderson just released a new webseries called The Restart Project! It is going to be an amazing series where these two powerhouses go and meet with women who have been through the unimaginable, and talk about what they have done to overcome tragedy. All of these women turned their focus to health and fitness to get them through. Tracy mentioned in an interview, ” They all chose to connect with themselves more physically or invest in their health to help them heal. None of their motivation came from vanity.” I love that Gwyneth and Tracy are putting the spotlight on these women! Here is one of their episodes…
We can all relate to these women in one way or another! I have spent many a day in Tracy Anderson’s studio, where all I wanted to do was cry. It was just couple weeks ago where I walked into cardio class fighting back tears the whole time. I was having one of those days where I was thinking…. “What the heck am I doing out here? Why am I trying to break into this crazy acting industry??? I am seriously being so stupid. The odds are so against me.” After an hour of dancing my heart out, I felt so much better! For me, Tracy’s method is my therapy, and for that I am so grateful for her. Thank you, Tracy!
3.That’s it for today. I will definitely have more for you next Monday. I leave for Nantucket this Thursday! The girls will be reunited, and I know we will have some stories to share. I can’t wait to land on that island and see my family!!! I miss you all. It looked like you were having too much fun without me at Emily’s party! Amazing job, Matchy Matchy Party Lady (Patty) and Caroline! XO
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