Tradition – Family Gingerbread House Competition

All’s fair in love and gingerbread decorating competitions…

For the last few years, The Ott Family has been partaking in some good ole family competition during the holidays!  It started as a competition between me and Caroline, and now has expanded to the rest of the family!

We all get to start with a pre made Gingerbread House (because we all know how difficult it is to actually construct one from scratch… and we just want to get to the fun part – decorating).

* The Blank Canvas *

Gingerbread 1

* The Materials – Patty supplies us with lots of candy but you are allowed to bring your own secret supply! *

Gingerbread 2

Gingerbread 3

* The Teams *

Gingerbread 4

Team 1 – Patty, Emily and Diane

Gingerbread 5

Team 2 – Steve and Samantha

Gingerbread 6

Team 3 – Allison and Caroline

Gingerbread 7

Team 4 – Bill and Tom (always very secretive and opt for non traditional materials)


Gingerbread 8Team 1 – Milly and Grace Gingerbread House

Gingerbread 9Team 2 – Winter Wonderland with Santa’s sleigh parked out front!

Gingerbread 10Team 3 – Gingerbread Nativity Scene 

Gingerbread 11

Team 4 – “Gingerbread” Whaling Ship

* The Trophy *

Gingerbread 12

NOTE: This trophy was made by yours truly.

It was inspired by the Gellar Cup (FRIENDS Fans will know what I am talking about!).

So you are all probably wondering who won…Well, we all did!

I know, I know… It should have just been Team 3 with the Nutter Butter manger.

Which team would you have awarded the Ginger Cup to?

Road Trip

Road Trip


My parents and I are making the twenty-four hour drive up to Nantucket during the next two days. I loved seeing and catching up with everyone in Georgia. But now I just can’t wait to be home in Nantucket!

And my fingers and toes are crossed for some snow!

A Few Days In Johns Creek

I was sad to say goodbye to Hannah and Natalie for three whole weeks of winter break, but despite not having them with me..I have managed to have a great break so far! To kick off my winter break, I spent a few days in Georgia visiting my friends before I headed up to Nantucket for Christmas.

Few Days In JC 1

Few Days In JC 2

Few Days In JC 3

Few Days In JC 4

Few Days In JC 5

Few Days In JC 6

I only had about 5 days to see my friends who I hadn’t seen since JUNE! The look on my poor parents face when I came downstairs the morning after I got home, ready and dressed by 10am, with my day already planned to see my friends was a bit heartbreaking. I mean for goodness sake they just wanted to see their daughter! And here she was rushing out the door. I gave them each a hug and a kiss and explained that after these five days, they would have me to themselves for two and a half weeks! And when I put it like that, they understood and let me out of their tightly gripped hugs.

I spent a lot of my time with Colin. These pictures were of our trip to The Guitar Center. One day I’ll learn how to play! And when that day comes…I would pick this mint green one as my first guitar! Isn’t it pretty??

Few Days In JC 7

Few Days In JC 8

Few Days In JC 10

For the third year in a row, my friend, Kasey, threw a little dinner party for all of our girlfriends. This years theme was tacky…so we all dug out the tackiest Christmas sweaters we could find and showed up to her house with a gift in our hand! After dinner, we place all of the gifts in the middle of the floor and play the white elephant gift exchange. It was the perfect way for us all to be together again after we went our separate ways to college!

Few Days In JC 9

Few Days In JC 11

Few Days In JC 12

I went to a little dinner party that my mom’s best friend hosted for our family and one other family. The three of our families are so close and we always have the best time when we get together! One particular guest moved away to Germany a few years ago, but he made an appearance at the dinner party with his lovely girlfriend. It was so great to see them and everyone else too!

Few Days In JC 13

Few Days In JC 14

Few Days In JC 15

Every year, my mom and I meet up with my friend and her mom at Starbucks to exchange Christmas/Hannukah gifts. We only planned on staying for about an hour because we both had pretty busy schedules…but an hour turned into two hours! I guess it’s true what they say: Time flies when you’re having fun!

Few Days in JC 17

Few Days in JC 18

And, of course, I couldn’t leave Georgia without getting myself a Chickfila Chicken Biscuit. Oh, they are so so good!

Few Days in JC 19