Tracy Anderson’s Pumpkin Roll

Tracy Anderson’s Pumpkin Roll.  Kinda sounds like the name of one of her new, crazy muscle structure moves that gets rid of our “pumpkin rolls” after Thanksgiving… but it’s not.  It is actually one of her new recipes on her blog!


You wouldn’t normally think that a workout guru and desserts would go together (without the words “SAYS DO NOT EAT” in between), but they do with Tracy Anderson! That’s one of the many reasons why I love her.  If you sign up for her email updates, you will receive workout tips, recipes and more!

This recipe came in an email with the subject; Healthy Treats Without Tricking Your Body!  I obviously clicked on it right away.  The email was about how the holiday season is coming up, and that there are ways to enjoy treats without totally derailing our diet and workout goals.  The idea is to eat treats in moderation, as well as to eat treats that are not processed and full of preservatives.  Totally doable and realistic.  Right?  To prove it’s possible, she and her amazing chef, Megan, came up with a gluten-free pumpkin roll!

The pumpkin roll looked so delicious, that I decided to try it out!


I admit… I am not a food stylist.  I was trying to make everything look cute!  I added this pumpkin decoration that, in the moment, I thought looked good, but then afterwards, I realized it looked… odd.  Sadly, it was too late and was carried on throughout the whole baking process!  See…



It’s not like it was already sitting there for my Fall decorations.  I moved it around.  I even brought it over to the kitchen counter for a shot with the amazing filling!



Here’s the Pumpkin Roll all rolled up and ready to eat!


It was so delicious!  And the whole house smelled yummy, like Fall!  I would definitely make it for a Thanksgiving dessert!

Can’t wait for more Tracy Anderson recipes!  For this recipe, jump over to Tracy’s Blog!

Now off to the the Tracy Anderson Studio to (literally and figuratively) dance my butt off!  Bye!


  1. Wow…that looks delish!! Love the oddly placed pumpkin!! xo

  2. auntie joanie :

    This looks so delicious I’m going to try this with my grandson tomorrow it won’t look as beautiful as yours I’m just hoping it taste good!!!!

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