Christmas Morning at the Ott House

The rule is that we all have to wait upstairs until Mom and Dad tell us we can come down….

We normally take a picture at the top of the stairs but this year we forgot!  I was going to try and fake it and use last years picture but someone had to go and get bangs in 2012… mhmm, Miss Caroline.

The Kids 2011edited

Go to Caroline’s blog for the rest of Christmas Morning… It All Ties Together

Twas The Night Before Christmas on Nantucket *

Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the town

Not a tourist was on island, not even a clown

The stockings were hung by the grey shingled houses with care,

In hopes that St Nicholas soon would be there.


The year rounders were nestled all snug in their beds,

While visions of red tickets danced in their heads.

And locals in their Red Sox socks, and I in my Pats cap,

Had just settled our brains for a long winter’s nap.


When out on the cobblestones there arose such a clatter,

I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.

It was Tom Brady and the Patriots in the red sleigh, Quick

I exclaimed, there must be a Saint Kraftnick.


I asked for Uggs but got Tom Brady instead (naturally),

On Welker, on Wilfork, on Gronk on Woodhead,

Bill Belichick yelled, Head back to my house in Sconset,

So Tom called an audible and they were down and set.


Tom sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,

And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.

But I heard him exclaim, as he drove out of sight,

“Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!”

“P.S. We are going to win the Superbowl!”


* NOTE TO SELF: Do not blog past midnight. You come up with strange ideas, such as rewriting poems.

Tradition – Family Gingerbread House Competition

All’s fair in love and gingerbread decorating competitions…

For the last few years, The Ott Family has been partaking in some good ole family competition during the holidays!  It started as a competition between me and Caroline, and now has expanded to the rest of the family!

We all get to start with a pre made Gingerbread House (because we all know how difficult it is to actually construct one from scratch… and we just want to get to the fun part – decorating).

* The Blank Canvas *

Gingerbread 1

* The Materials – Patty supplies us with lots of candy but you are allowed to bring your own secret supply! *

Gingerbread 2

Gingerbread 3

* The Teams *

Gingerbread 4

Team 1 – Patty, Emily and Diane

Gingerbread 5

Team 2 – Steve and Samantha

Gingerbread 6

Team 3 – Allison and Caroline

Gingerbread 7

Team 4 – Bill and Tom (always very secretive and opt for non traditional materials)


Gingerbread 8Team 1 – Milly and Grace Gingerbread House

Gingerbread 9Team 2 – Winter Wonderland with Santa’s sleigh parked out front!

Gingerbread 10Team 3 – Gingerbread Nativity Scene 

Gingerbread 11

Team 4 – “Gingerbread” Whaling Ship

* The Trophy *

Gingerbread 12

NOTE: This trophy was made by yours truly.

It was inspired by the Gellar Cup (FRIENDS Fans will know what I am talking about!).

So you are all probably wondering who won…Well, we all did!

I know, I know… It should have just been Team 3 with the Nutter Butter manger.

Which team would you have awarded the Ginger Cup to?