Same Page Monday

1. Caroline is done with school in Switzerland.  Crazy to believe!! She is all packed up and can’t wait to get her butt to Nantucket for the summer!


She is also excited about DAFFODIL Weekend…  WHICH MEANS MILLY & GRACE IS OPENING (not this weekend but) NEXT WEEKEND!!!!

2.  WHICH MEANS….. EMILY IS AT THE STORE WORKING HARD TO GET READY TO OPEN….. WHICH MEANS SHE IS NOT ANSWERING MY CALLS OR TEXTS….. WHICH MEANS NO PICTURE OF HER.  (But she did send a picture of Ivy when I asked her to send a picture of herself earlier… obsessed mom? Just sayin.)

3.  Ivy still has to wear her stupid cozy cone.  Boo.  We can’t wait for her to get back to her Ivy Adventures sans cone.

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4.  I have been busy getting back into the craziness that is LA and the pursuit of my dreams.  I have really been kicking up the working out (because that is part of an actor’s job)… Luckily, Tracy is in town and is teaching a master class to her clients. She really is an inspiration.  The energy when she teaches is magnetic. I love her!  3 days down and 2 more to go…  This is the calm before the sweatiness…

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Our tools…

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5.  I used to go to Starbucks everyday but now I am obsessed with something else… MATCHA GREEN TEA!!  I really have noticed a difference since I started drinking it this past week.  I think it has even helped with my energy during my workouts!  I mean either all of a sudden I am becoming a badass worker outer or it’s the Matcha Green Tea… I would put my money on the power of Matcha.  I might have to try a few days without to see if I do notice a difference. I will get back to you on the results.

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6.  The only thing people in LA have been talking about for the past couple weeks has been Coachella.  Does the rest of the world know what this is or that it is happening this weekend??  This town is obsessed.  Coachella this.. Coachella that.. Coachella is a music festival out in the desert in Palm Springs/Indio.  People dress like bohemians and camp out and party.  Young Hollywood takes over… even Leonardo Dicaprio.  Check out his amazing dance moves.  It cracks me up.

7. And finally, this little clip of Pharrell on Oprah. It made me happy and made me tear up.

True testament to loving what you do, believing in yourself and coming from a truly authentic and loving place…do all that and you will achieve amazing things!

And that’s it for this Monday!!

Same Page Monday on Tuesday

1.  Caroline is totes annoyed that Taylor Swift keeps copying her hair cuts.  The girls woke up to this text from Caroline this morning with this picture… “Can she stop copying me!  When I cut my bangs… she got them cut.  When I chopped my hair… she chopped hers.”  She’s totes joking, people.  We don’t take ourselves that seriously!  I totes used totes in this post.


2.  Em got a new car last week!  I asked her to send me a picture and she sent me this!  It’s her little tradition to take a picture of her standing on top of the roof of her new car!


3.  Serious business.  It rained in LA (off and on) for 3 days in a row last week.  I think we are all still recovering from the “craziness”.  LA can’t handle rain.  Hikes were cancelled, dinner plans were cancelled, people didn’t go to the gym because they didn’t want to drive in the rain, people had to buy umbrellas that they will never use again, hair got wet, the Oscars Red Carpet was almost ruined by the rain… I mean it was crazy.

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4.  Jimmy Fallon is really nailing it with the Tonight Show.  I actually don’t watch it but Emily mentioned it to me the other day, so I thought I would pass it along to you guys.  I always catch clips of it and love it!  Maybe he should host the Oscars next year??

5.  We are in the final countdown for our Europe trip to visit our little Cezzie!!  One week and a day to go!  Caroline what do you need from the United States of America?  Peanut Butter, Peanut Butter M&M’s, Ice??  Tell me now!  I am definitely going to make a Target run sometime before I leave.

6.  That’s it.  I think we are all on the Same Page now.  Good.  I will get back to you if I think of anything else! XO

Same Page Monday

1.  Broncos lost.

2.  My TV froze on this commercial for the last 10 minutes of the second quarter, the whole half time show, then the first half of the third quarter and all those commercials in between.  Luckily, Home Alone was on TBS.  I heard I didn’t miss much.

TV Froze during superbowl

3.  People on Twitter were pretty funny during the game last night!  It was a little bit more entertaining than the actual game.  Aziz Ansari was probably my favorite.  He was tweeting as if Friday Night Lights was in the Super Bowl.  His knowledge of the show is unreal.


4.  I heard Bruno Mars sent a text to Peyton after the game saying,  “It’s ok, Peyton.  You are amazing… just the way you are!”  JK.  Lame joke.

5.  I went to a Lakers Game on Friday and ate sushi while watching the game.  It was so LA.


6.  Paula Dean Magazine named (my favorite breakfast place on Nantucket) The Downeyflake one of the Top 10 Pancakes in America!!! OHHHH YEAAAHHHH!! The Blueberry Pancakes really are amazing.  Ohhh, I want some right now.  Her magazine is still a credible source, right?!


7.  There was a monkey in my coffee yesterday morning.  Does anyone else see it?  Or am I crazy?


7. I had an actual freak out the other day about how I am turning 27 in 2 months.  Scary.

8.  I  am really sad about Philip Seymour Hoffman.  I hate that his craft of acting that he adored so much was what drove him to a horrible place.  In interviews he would talk about how absolutely torturous it was for him to be great.  (Everyone: Read this interview if you want more insight into his creative world.)  Every role you watch him in you can see the creative genius at work.  I think he was divinely inspired in each of his roles.  It reminds me of the Ted Talk on Creative Genius.  I know Caroline shared this on her blog before, but it is a great one to watch, especially, if you are in a creative industry.  I’ll leave you with this…