Bananas Fosters Bread


When I came across this recipe from Taste of Home, I knew I had to make it for my friend, Dustin. Dustin’s favorite dessert is Bananas Fosters. It was his birthday a few weeks ago, so I thought this would be a perfect birthday treat for him.  Dustin loves all things banana and he is very particular about his banana things… so I was really curious/worried if he was going to like it or not!  Well, he loved it!  He said it was so delicious and tasted a lot like the real dessert!  It was Dustin Approved… so this recipe really is a hit!

If you read my Pumpkin Roll post last week, you will remember my awkwardly place pumpkin decoration.  Well, I kinda thought that maybe that should be my signature move from now on!

So this time, I brought in a monkey…




Caramelized bananas with rum!  Yummy!


Monkey helped stir the batter.  He also watched over the loaf while it was baking!

He was pretty helpful… BUT…


 You can’t leave this monkey alone for one second!!  He easily gets himself into big trouble.

I walked into the other room, and when I came back…. I found him like this!!!!


I felt like Captain Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Caribbean!  Why is the rum gone?????

Because the monkey drank it.  Sneaky little fella!


^ Here it is!  While posing for this picture he said… “I made dis!”.

Then we whipped up the glaze and put it in a little container on the side.  Wrapped up the loaf.  And then delivered it to Dustin!

Confession: I had a little too much fun playing around with that little monkey… I am kinda embarrassed to say.

Let me know if you try out the recipe!  XO